Member Details

Dr. Victoria Stewart -Jolley

Senior Research Fellow

Prior to her role at AGDA, Dr. Stewart -Jolley served as a Senior EDR Advisor in the UNDP ELECT Team in Afghanistan. She also held other prominent positions, including Senior Trainer at the UN Women in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Advisor, Electoral in the Commonwealth Secretariat in Papua New Guinea; and Course Director of the International Law/International Relations Undergraduate Certificate at the University of Cambridge. 

As a well-regarded international expert, Dr. Stewart-Jolley has received numerous grants and awards, including the Christs College Studentship, Conference Grant ASIL. She also authored various publications, including “Iraq’s electoral system: Why successive reforms fail to bring change,” and “Explaining Iraq’s Election Results.” 

Dr. Stewart-Jolley received her PhD in International Law/Relations and a Master of Studies in International Law/Relations with Distinction from the University of Cambridge. She also received her Master of Laws in Public International Law from the University of Edinburgh, as well as her Bachelor of Laws from the University of Sussex.

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